For Delaware Applicants
1. Notification Every licensee shall furnish to every applicant, a copy of this regulation at the time when such application is made. Posting of this regulation in the office of the licensee in a place both prominent and easily visible to all potential applicants shall satisfy this requirement. An explanation as to the contents and limitations contained herein shall satisfy this requirement when transactions occur telephonically. An informational screen containing these limitations with an affirmative acknowledgement by the consumer, prior to application, shall satisfy this requirement for internet transactions.
2. Interest
(a) A lender may charge and collect interest in respect to a revolving credit plan or closed-end loan at such a daily, weekly monthly, annual, or other periodic percentage rate or rates as the agreement governing the plan or loan provides, or as established in the manner provided in such agreement. Periodic interest may be calculated on a revolving credit plan using any balance computation method provided for in the agreement governing the plan. Periodic interest may be calculated on a closed-end loan by way of simple interest or such other method as the agreement governing the loan provides.
(b) If the agreement governing the revolving credit plan or closed-end loan so provides, the periodic percentage rate or rates of interest may vary in accordance with a schedule or formula. Such periodic percentage rate or rates may vary from time to time as the rate determined in accordance with such schedule or formula varies and such periodic percentage rate or rates, as so varied, may be made applicable to all or any part of the outstanding unpaid indebtedness or outstanding unpaid amounts. In the case of revolving credit, such rate shall become applicable on or after the first day of the billing cycle that contains the effective date of such variation. In the case of closed-end loan transactions, such rate may be made applicable to all or any part of the outstanding unpaid amounts on and after the effective date of such variation. Without limitation, a permissible schedule or formula hereunder may include provisions in the agreement governing the revolving credit plan or closed-end loan agreement for a change in the periodic percentage rate or rates of interest applicable to all or any part of outstanding unpaid indebtedness or outstanding unpaid amounts, whether by variation of the then applicable periodic percentage rate or rates of interest, variation of an index or margin or otherwise, contingent upon the happening of any event or circumstance specified in the plan or agreement, which event or circumstance may include the failure of the borrower to perform in accordance with the terms of the revolving credit plan or loan agreement.
3. Additional Fees and Charges; Limitations - If the agreement governing the plan or loan so provides, in addition to, or in lieu of, interest at a periodic percentage rate or rates permitted by Chapter 22, Title 5 of the Delaware Code, the licensee may charge and collect the following fees and charges, subject to the limitations provided below, in respect to revolving credit plans or closed-end loans:
(a) Revolving Credit - with respect to a borrower, a lender may charge, collect, or receive one or more of the following fees and charges under plans subject to the provisions of Subchapter II, Chapter 22, Title 5 of the Delaware Code:
(i) periodic charges - a daily, weekly, monthly, annual or other periodic charge, in such amount or amounts as the agreement may provide for the privileges made available to the borrower under the plan;
(ii) transaction charges - a transaction charge or charges in such amount or amounts as the agreement may provide for each separate purchase or loan under the plan;
(iii) minimum charges - a minimum charge, in such amount or amounts as the agreement may provide for each daily, weekly, monthly, annual or other scheduled billing period under the plan during any portion of which there is an outstanding unpaid indebtedness under the plan;
(iv) fees for services rendered or reimbursement of expenses - reasonable fees for services rendered or for reimbursement of expenses incurred in good faith by the licensee or its agent in connection with such loan, including without limitation, commitment fees, official fees and taxes, premiums or other charges for any guarantee or insurance protecting the licensee against the borrower's default or other credit loss, or costs incurred by reason of examination of title, inspection, recording and other formal acts necessary or appropriate to the security of the loan, filing fees, attorney's fees, and travel expenses. In the event a borrower defaults under the terms of a plan, the licensee may, if the borrower's account is referred to an attorney (not a regularly salaried employee of the licensee) or to a third party for collection and if the agreement governing the revolving credit plan so provides, charge and collect from the borrower a reasonable attorney's fee. In addition, following a borrower's default, the licensee may, if the agreement governing the plan so provides, recover from the borrower all court, alternative dispute resolution or other collection costs (including, without limitation, fees and charges of collection agencies) actually incurred by the licensee;
(v) overlimit charges - a charge in such amount or amounts as the agreement may provide, for each daily, weekly, monthly, annual or other scheduled billing period under the plan during any portion of which total outstanding indebtedness exceeds the credit limit established under the plan;
(vi) delinquency charges - a late or delinquency charge upon any outstanding unpaid installment payments or portions thereof under the plan which are in default; provided, however, that no more than 1 such late or delinquency charge may be imposed in respect of any single such installment payment or portion thereof regardless of the period during which it remains in default; and provided further, however, that for the purpose only of the preceding provision all payments by the borrower shall be deemed to be applied to satisfaction of installment payments in the order in which they become due.
(vii) returned check charges - a returned check charge may be assessed to consumers, in such amount or amounts as the agreement may provide, provided the amount(s) of such charges are customary and reasonable for checks that are returned unpaid.
(viii) termination fees - a charge in such amount or amounts as the agreement may provide to terminate revolving credit plan.
(ix) charges incurred in connection with real estate secured transactions - in the case of revolving credit secured by real estate such additional charges as outlined in item (3)(c) of this regulation may also be collected within the limitations stated therein.
(b) Closed-end Credit - with respect to a borrower, a lender may charge, collect, or receive one or more of the following fees for loans subject to the provisions of Subchapter III, Chapter 22, Title 5 of the Delaware Code:
(i) fees for services rendered or reimbursement of expenses - reasonable fees for services rendered or for reimbursement of expenses incurred in good faith by the licensee or its agent in connection with such loan, including without limitation, commitment fees, official fees and taxes, premiums or other charges for any guarantee or insurance protecting the licensee against the borrowers default or other credit loss, or costs incurred by reason of examination of title, inspection, recording and other formal acts necessary or appropriate to the security of the loan, filing fees, attorney's fees, and travel expenses. In the event a borrower defaults under the terms of the loan, the licensee may, if the borrower's account is referred to an attorney (not a regularly salaried employee of the licensee) or to a third party for collection and if the agreement governing, or the bond, note or other evidence of, the loan so provides, charge and collect from the borrower a reasonable attorney's fees. In addition, following a borrower's default, the licensee may, if the agreement governing, or the bond, note or other evidence of, the loan so provides, recover from the borrower all court, alternative dispute resolution or other collection costs (including, without limitation, fees and charges of collection agencies) actually incurred by the licensee;
(ii) deferral charges - a deferral charge may be assessed to a borrower in accordance with an agreement to permit the borrower to defer installment payments of a loan;
(iii) delinquency charges - if the agreement governing the loan so provides, a late or delinquency charge may be imposed upon any outstanding unpaid installment payment or portions thereof under the loan agreement which are in default; provided, however, that no more than 1 such delinquency charge may be imposed in respect of any single such installment payment or portion thereof regardless of the period during which it remains in default; and provided further that no such delinquency charge may exceed 5% of the amount of any such installment or portion thereof in default;
(iv) returned check charge - if the agreement governing the loan so provides, a returned check charge may be assessed to consumers for checks that are returned unpaid provided the amount(s) of such charges are customary and reasonable.
(v) charges incurred in connection with real estate secured transactions - in the case of closed end credit secured by real estate such additional charges as outlined in item (3)(c) of this regulation may also be collected within the limitations stated therein.
(c) Real Estate Secured Transactions - with respect to a borrower, a lender may charge, collect, or receive one or more of the following fees and charges subject to the limitations herein, for loans subject to the provisions of Subchapters II (Revolving Credit) and III (Closed-End Credit), Chapter 22, Title 5 of the Delaware Code when such loans are secured by real estate:
(i) loan origination points - points charged to the borrower on the lender's behalf for any purpose other than to reduce the periodic interest rate applicable to the mortgage loan may not exceed 10% of the principal amount of the loan. Such points may be deducted from the gross proceeds of the loan. For purposes of this regulation "gross proceeds" is the amount financed as defined in Federal Reserve Regulation Z;
(ii) loan discount points - points charged to the borrower as a function of rate for the purpose of reducing the periodic interest rate applicable to the mortgage loan. Such points may be deducted from the gross proceeds of the loan;
(iii) property appraisal fees - property appraisal fees shall be limited to the amount paid to a third party for such appraisal and shall be limited to those amounts that are customary and reasonable;
(iv) credit report fees - credit report fees shall be limited to the actual cost of the report if paid to a third party, not an employee of the lender or affiliate. Such amounts shall be customary and reasonable;
(v) mortgage loan broker compensation fees - mortgage loan broker compensation may be deducted from the gross proceeds of the loan. Such amounts shall reasonably reflect the value of the goods, services and facilities provided;
(vi) tax certification and service fees - fees for agreements to provide certification of the current tax status of the property as well as fees for ongoing monitoring and notice to the lender of all tax and improvement lien payments as they become due shall be limited to those amounts actually expended for such purposes. Such amounts shall be customary and reasonable;
(vii) flood hazard certification or determination fees - determination fees may be charged for determining whether the property is or will be located in a special flood hazard area. This fee may also include the cost of life-of-loan monitoring. Such amounts shall be customary and reasonable;
(viii) title abstract/search/examination and title insurance premiums - title insurance and/or cost of a title certificate search, examination and binder shall be limited to those amounts actually expended for such purposes. Such amounts shall be customary and reasonable and may, at the borrower's discretion, include owner's coverage in addition to lender's coverage;
(ix) legal fees - legal fees incurred in securing or closing a loan shall be limited to amounts actually paid to an attorney not in the employ of the lender, its parent, or affiliate, and such charges shall not exceed those which are customary and reasonable;
(x) recording/satisfaction fees - recording/satisfaction fees shall be limited to those actually expended by the lender to any governmental authority for protection of interest in collateral tendered. The State Bank Commissioner may approve the payment of alternative fees for this purpose provided the amount of said fee (payable by the borrower) shall not exceed the amount which would be payable to any governmental authority for protection of interest in collateral tendered;
(xi) property survey fees - property survey fees to obtain a drawing that delineates the exact boundaries of a property, including lot lines and placement of improvements on the property, shall be limited to those amounts actually expended for such purposes. Such amounts shall be customary and reasonable;
(xii) pest inspection fees - pest inspection fees to cover inspections for terminates or other pest infestation on the property shall be limited to those amounts actually expended for such purposes. Such amounts shall be customary and reasonable;
(xiii) fees incidental to loan closing - other fees and charges including but not limited to: odd days interest, hazard and mortgage insurance premiums, escrow reserves, lender's inspection fees, mortgage insurance application fees, assumption fees, underwriting fees, document preparation fees, settlement or closing fees, notary fees, funding fees, fees for lead based paint or other inspections and overnight mail fees may be charged and such amounts shall be customary and reasonable;
(xiv) prepayment penalties - a charge in such amount or amounts as the agreement so provides imposed in connection with the payoff and termination of a revolving credit plan or closed end loan secured by real estate;
(xv) notwithstanding the provisions of this item (3)(c) of this regulation, Licensed Lenders who are making mortgage loans pursuant to the rules, regulations, guidelines and/or loan forms established by the State of Delaware or federal governmental or quasi-governmental entity (including, without limitation, the Federal Housing Administration, the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) shall be permitted to charge and collect any fees, charges or sums prescribed to be charged and collected in connection with a mortgage loan originated pursuant to a lending program conducted or supervised by any such entity.
For Applicants of the State of Maine
You have the right of free choice in the selection of the agent and insurer through or by which insurance in connection with a loan is to be placed. Getting insurance products from a particular agent or broker does not have a positive or a negative effect on credit decisions by the lender.
For Applicants of the State of Ohio
The Ohio laws against discrimination makes it necessary that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers and that credit reporting agencies must preserve separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.
For Applicants of the State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin law provides that no provision of a marital property agreement, a unilateral statement under the marital property law, or a court decree, will negatively affect a creditor’s interests unless the creditor, prior to the time the credit is granted, is provided with a copy of the agreement, statement or decree or has actual knowledge of the adverse provision. If you are making this application individually and not jointly with your spouse, you understand that Wisconsin law requires that your spouse be given notice of this credit obligation.
