Dealership financing offers the amazing benefit of quick car loan approval to car buyers. Don’t spend time in finding a lender when the dealer can get you instant auto loan quotes. It means you can own your car the same day you choose it. Fulfil your car dream quickly by getting a loan from the dealer!

The dealers have several tie-ups with lenders and other financial institutions. When you fill a car loan application with them, they send it to their lenders for approval against a small commission. The car financing option is easy and involves simple procedure. All those people who don’t want to walk down to the lender’s office can take the advantage of dealership financing and buy the car and car loan at one place.
There is a common belief that car dealers charge exorbitant interest rates. It is true sometimes but not all the dealers are involved in such activities. It is very important for the borrowers to choose reputable and leading car dealers who offer loans at nominal rates with flexible terms.
Who Can Apply for Dealership Financing?
Absolutely everyone!
People who have always seen rejection because of a bad credit history or a no credit score can apply for this loan. The dealer's huge network of lenders increases your approval chances. Even self employed persons can approach the dealers to avail auto financing. Also, people who cannot make huge down payments can also approach car dealers.
What are the Benefits of Dealership Financing?
- Quick process
- Comfort and convenience in getting car loan approval
- Loans for new as well as used cars
- One application and access to several lenders
- Team of financial experts to help you through the process
- No exorbitant down payment requirements.
A Boon for Car Buyers with Imperfect Credit Score
If you have a bad credit score, does that mean your car dream is shattered? Will you never be able to buy a car if you have a zero credit history? When you won’t get an auto loan after bankruptcy, will your chances of improving your credit dwindle?
Well, you need not worry about all this anymore. What if I tell you that you can buy your car and get a car loan from one single place? Yes, dealership is the place that provides you one-stop solution for all your car needs. You can get loans irrespective of your credit situation. Dealership financing is a silver lining for people with bad credit history. It is the perfect choice for improving your credit score.
Most of us shy away from dealership financing because of scams and other con-stories associated with dealership. But, you must know that dealers are like other businessmen. If they don’t keep their customers happy, they are going to ruin their business. So don’t write off dealership. Instead just stay a bit cautious and get the most of dealer financing.
Why Dealership Financing is the Best Option for you?
1. Dealers often offer 0% financing for the first year and several other schemes which can lower your loan cost.
2. Auto Dealership addresses all your car needs. Not only financing, repairs can also be done at the lot. This means you don’t have to run around for several things.
3. Lenders want you to provide vehicle information like manufacture year, make and model, VIN, etc. before finalizing the contract. But, when you are getting your loan from the dealer’s lender, the process will be done much faster.
4. As dealers have tie-ups with many lenders, you get to check several lenders in one go. This makes comparison easy and also lets you take a perfect decision.
5. Lenders get large amount of business from dealers. As the dealer has a huge network, there is high competition among lenders. So, you get special deals at the dealership.
6. There are many lenders in the dealer network. A large number means you get great rates and flexible loan terms.
7. When you avail a loan from a dealer, you get to keep your local lines of credit open. It is obvious that a bank or union won’t offer you another loan in a short span of time. So, dealership auto financing seems like a good alternative.
What are the Requirements for getting Dealership Financing?
1. You must at least earn $1,600 per month.
2. Your employment term should be at least six months.
3. You must be living at your residence for at least six months.
4. Dealers do offer no down payment auto loans but to get maximum advantage of low rates, it is advisable to get at least 10%-20% down payment.
5. A cosigner can also work wonders for your loan application. has many dealers in its network. We understand your requirements in a better way and strive hard to make your car dream come true. Get access to our simple yet customized car financing solutions by aplying on the secure website. Apply now!
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